E-Workbook – Print Step 3 Individual License
Print Step 3 provides 31 pages with models and space for skill practice in a series of exercise sessions that target position skills with fluent movement. The pages are presented in a sequence based upon related movements. The process for each letter is reviewed, the letters are applied to words in activities designed to enhance patterning of words, legibility skills and position skills that are critical for fluent handwriting with either print or cursive.
When good position skills are applied to allow easy production of sets and words across the page, print letters should slant forward. Slant print models allow a focus on position skills because the pupil should no longer have to think about building print letters. We are using print letters to allow the child to focus on good position skills.
Correlation of practiced skills will reinforce the exercise sessions conducted with these pages and enhance transfer of learning. This strategy is easily applied during spelling and vocabulary lessons. Please remember, independent practice will not include the challenge to move fluently. Children often revert to and practice poor position skills and movement unless monitored very closely.
We want to ensure all have automated letter production and application of concepts for good legibility like place in space, spacing, size and down-stroke consistency. A daily “directed” session will provide regular opportunity for practice and internalization. When the patterns are well established as evidenced by applied work and improved fluency scores, the pupil will be ready to handle the lateral movements needed for cursive.